Once upon a time the world was Enchanted and we lived in Dominion with Nature... everything was alive, wondrous and conscious; a very different world, a very long time ago. 

Everything in the Cosmos is connected to everything else and we are all participants in this connected consciousness. We are all part of everything. Aliveness, Connection and Belonging are in all expressions of Nature. It is our choice to believe this to be true, and to live it, or not. 

We can have an Enchanted World that can be spell-bindingly beautiful in all its Mystery and Mysticism. It has been that way before, and it is possible to create it again, but in new way.

Sometime in the 70's, I discovered Findhorn, an experimental Nature Community in Scotland. I read all the books, watched the videos, and I had a massive awakening of what was possible in communication and co-creation with plants, animals and all of Nature. So... I embarked on a life long journey to discover more of the mysteries of the natural world. 

Having traveled in Europe for a few months, I decided to leave America and live in my native country... the British Isles. Scotland, where I lived as a child, was also home to Findhorn. My friend and I arranged a trip to the Community of Findhorn, in Northeast Scotland on the Moray Firth Coast, and off we went on one of the most impactful and fun adventures of my life. 

Findhorn requested that we bring with us a box of photographs of Findhorn, taken by their resident photographer, which had been on display in London. This was destiny opening a new doorway to something wild and unknown. And what a magical doorway was in store for me!


Findhorn was, and still is, working in conscious co-creation with Nature... communicating with the Spirit of Nature, called Pan, the individual Nature Spirits, and the Devic Kingdom, the Architects of Nature. The Founders of Findhorn connected with these Beings and Consciousnesses in order to work in a co-creative process to design and create gardens according to their guidance. These magical gardens contained flowers, imported trees and vegetables grown in unique ways that produced miraculous results. They grew in sandy soil (amended according to Nature's guidance) in an inhospitable climate, not at all suited to gardening. Forty pound cabbages and other vegetables of unheard of size in the region, or elsewhere, resulted. This experiment was to demonstrate what can be accomplished in cooperation with Nature, and show that Nature can communicate and assist humankind in ways lost and forgotten, but highly beneficial to both.

Traveling to Findhorn on the train, looking at these images we carried with us, I could see the photographer was taking pictures of Nature Spirits. I could see the “Unseen.” The Movement, the Light, the Substance, the Warmth and the Voice of Nature. I knew that I wanted to do what that photographer was doing... I was enchanted and inspired by his images.

Everything about Findhorn was light and magic, it was the most alive place I had ever been. When we delivered the photographs, the photographer was not in residence at the time, they showed me the camera he used. A quite small, simple Japanese camera, aluminum, nothing even remotely like my first Nikon film camera... more like a relic. But the images... I was amazed and hooked!

I would like to access the enchantment of life and nature in my photography, to document what is often not seen or noticed because it is outside our normal view and what we are used to seeing, or looking to find. I want to capture what is mysterious, mystical and esoteric about Nature and the Animal Kingdom. What is there, but may be invisible to some eyes, perhaps to bring a little magic into a largely dis-enchanted world. I am just beginning this journey and have miles still to travel, and much to learn, but this is what I will attempt as I hone my craft and expand my search for beauty and enchantment in the Unknown of this incredible world.

I believe Beauty is an antidote to violence, the more Beauty in the world, the less violence. As a Human Being, a Spiritual Being, and an Artist, my commitment to Beauty and Enchantment is paramount, and what I search for, and wish to engage with all my senses, and hope to capture through the eye of my lens. I hope to inspire, stimulate and expand vision, imagination and all the senses... bringing a sense of wonder and the enchanted into my images. 

And... maybe to open eyes of the willing to a new vision, a new dream of the possibility of new kind of world where we recognize we are part of everything, we are connected to everyone and everything... the animals, the earth, the sky, the waters, the sun, moon and stars. A dream of dominion with Nature, and all creatures and beings of the Earth and the Cosmos. A friendly world where we can work in co-creation with Nature, no longer dominating and destroying with such gross unconsciousness of the impact. A world where human beings want to protect and preserve, conserve and heal, to work in partnership with all life forms.

Perhaps a New World can be born out of the ashes of the destruction we are witnessing all around us. As new life burgeons and grows, even more prolific and beautiful, after a fire, when the rains come to renew... perhaps the World can also become New, Re-Enchanted...